
how to make midi files

Standard MIDI-File Format Spec. 1.1, updated



A detailed Specification of the Standard MIDI file format

Table of Contents

  • 0 - Introduction
  • one - Sequences, Tracks, Chunks: File Block Structure
    • 1.1 - Variable Length Quantity
    • one.ii - Files
    • i.3 - Chunks
    • i.4 - Chunk Types
  • 2 - Chunk Descriptions
    • two.i - Header Chunks
    • 2.ii - MIDI File Formats 0,1 and ii
    • two.three - Track Chunks
  • 3 - Meta-Events
    • iii.ane - Meta Issue Definitions
  • Appendix 1 - MIDI Messages
    • Appendix 1.1 - Tabular array of Major MIDI Messages
    • Appendix 1.2 - Table of MIDI Controller Letters (Data Bytes)
    • Appendix 1.three - Table of MIDI Note Numbers
    • Appendix 1.4 - General MIDI Instrument Patch Map
    • Appendix 1.5 - Full general MIDI Percussion Key Map
  • Appendix 2 - Plan Fragments and Example MIDI Files

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This document was originally distributed in text format by The International MIDI Association. I have updated it and added new Appendices.
© Copyright 1999 David Back.
This document may be freely copied in whole or in function provided the copy contains this Acknowledgement.

0 - Introduction

This document details the structure of MIDI Files. The purpose of MIDI Files is to provide a manner of interchanging time-stamped MIDI data between different programs on the same or different computers. One of the primary blueprint goals is meaty representation, which makes it very advisable for disk-based file format, just which might make it inappropriate for storing in memory for quick access by a sequencer program.

MIDI Files comprise 1 or more MIDI streams, with time information for each event. Song, sequence, and runway structures, tempo and fourth dimension signature information, are all supported. Track names and other descriptive information may be stored with the MIDI data. This format supports multiple tracks and multiple sequences and so that if the user of a plan which supports multiple tracks intends to move a file to another ane, this format can allow that to happen.

The specification defines the 8-fleck binary information stream used in the file. The data can be stored in a binary file, nibbilized, 7-bit-ized for efficient MIDI manual, converted to Hex ASCII, or translated symbolically to a printable text file. This spec addresses what's in the viii-bit stream. Information technology does not address how a MIDI File will be transmitted over MIDI.

1 - Sequences, Tracks, Chunks: File Block Construction

In this certificate, flake 0 means the least meaning flake of a byte, and bit vii is the about significant.

1.1 - Variable Length Quantity

Some numbers in MIDI Files are represented in a form chosen VARIABLE-LENGTH QUANTITY. These numbers are represented vii $.25 per byte, most significant bits offset. All bytes except the concluding have fleck 7 fix, and the final byte has bit seven articulate. If the number is between 0 and 127, it is thus represented exactly every bit i byte.

Some examples of numbers represented as variable-length quantities:

00000000 00
00000040 twoscore
0000007F 7F
00000080 81 00
00002000 C0 00
00003FFF FF 7F
00004000 81 80 00
00100000 C0 80 00
00200000 81 lxxx 80 00
08000000 C0 fourscore fourscore 00

The largest number which is allowed is 0FFFFFFF so that the variable-length representations must fit in 32 bits in a routine to write variable-length numbers. Theoretically, larger numbers are possible, but 2 10 10viii 96ths of a vanquish at a fast tempo of 500 beats per minute is four days, long enough for whatsoever delta-time!

1.two - Files

To any file system, a MIDI File is simply a series of 8-flake bytes. On the Macintosh, this byte stream is stored in the data fork of a file (with file type 'MIDI'), or on the Clipboard (with data blazon 'MIDI'). Almost other computers store eight-bit byte streams in files.

1.3 - Chunks

MIDI Files are made up of -chunks-. Each chunk has a iv-character blazon and a 32-bit length, which is the number of bytes in the clamper. This structure allows futurity chunk types to be designed which may be easily be ignored if encountered by a program written before the chunk type is introduced. Your programs should EXPECT alien chunks and treat them equally if they weren't at that place.

Each clamper begins with a 4-grapheme ASCII type. Information technology is followed by a 32-flake length, most significant byte first (a length of 6 is stored as 00 00 00 06). This length refers to the number of bytes of data which follow: the eight bytes of type and length are not included. Therefore, a chunk with a length of 6 would actually occupy 14 bytes in the disk file.

This chunk architecture is similar to that used by Electronic Arts' IFF format, and the chunks described herein could easily be placed in an IFF file. The MIDI File itself is non an IFF file: information technology contains no nested chunks, and chunks are not constrained to exist an even number of bytes long. Converting it to an IFF file is equally easy as padding odd length chunks, and sticking the whole thing inside a FORM chunk.

1.4 - Chunk Types

MIDI Files contain two types of chunks: header chunks and track chunks. A -header- chunk provides a minimal amount of information pertaining to the entire MIDI file. A -track- chunk contains a sequential stream of MIDI information which may incorporate data for upward to sixteen MIDI channels. The concepts of multiple tracks, multiple MIDI outputs, patterns, sequences, and songs may all be implemented using several track chunks.

A MIDI File always starts with a header chunk, and is followed by one or more track chunks.

MThd <length of header data>
<header information>
MTrk <length of rail data>
<track data>
MTrk <length of runway information>
<track data>
. . .

2 - Chunk Descriptions

two.1 - Header Chunks

The header chunk at the showtime of the file specifies some bones information about the data in the file. Here's the syntax of the consummate chunk:

<Header Chunk> = <chunk blazon><length><format><ntrks><division>

As described above, <chunk type> is the four ASCII characters 'MThd'; <length> is a 32-bit representation of the number 6 (high byte offset).

The data section contains three xvi-flake words, stored most-significant byte first.

The offset discussion, <format>, specifies the overall organisation of the file. Only 3 values of <format> are specified:

0-the file contains a unmarried multi-channel rail
one-the file contains one or more simultaneous tracks (or MIDI outputs) of a sequence
2-the file contains 1 or more sequentially independent single-track patterns

More data about these formats is provided below.

The next word, <ntrks>, is the number of track chunks in the file. It volition ever be one for a format 0 file.

The 3rd word, <partition>, specifies the pregnant of the delta-times. It has two formats, one for metrical time, and one for time-code-based time:

bit 15 bits 14 thru eight bits 7 thru 0
0 ticks per quarter-notation
1 negative SMPTE format ticks per frame

If bit 15 of <division> is zero, the $.25 xiv thru 0 correspond the number of delta time "ticks" which brand up a quarter-note. For instance, if segmentation is 96, and so a time interval of an eighth-note betwixt 2 events in the file would exist 48.

If flake xv of <sectionalisation> is a ane, delta times in a file correspond to subdivisions of a second, in a mode consequent with SMPTE and MIDI Fourth dimension Code. $.25 xiv thru 8 comprise one of the four values -24, -25, -29, or -30, corresponding to the 4 standard SMPTE and MIDI Time Code formats (-29 corresponds to 30 driblet frame), and represents the number of frames per second. These negative numbers are stored in ii's compliment form. The 2d byte (stored positive) is the resolution within a frame: typical values may be 4 (MIDI Time Code resolution), viii, 10, eighty (fleck resolution), or 100. This stream allows verbal specifications of fourth dimension-lawmaking-based tracks, only also allows millisecond-based tracks by specifying 25 frames/sec and a resolution of 40 units per frame. If the events in a file are stored with a bit resolution of thirty-frame time code, the division word would be E250 hex.

2.2 - MIDI File Formats 0,one and 2

A Format 0 file has a header chunk followed by one track clamper. It is the most interchangeable representation of data. It is very useful for a elementary unmarried-track player in a plan which needs to make synthesisers make sounds, but which is primarily concerned with something else such as mixers or sound effect boxes. It is very desirable to be able to produce such a format, even if your program is track-based, in order to work with these uncomplicated programs.

A Format 1 or ii file has a header clamper followed by one or more track chunks. programs which support several simultaneous tracks should be able to salve and read information in format 1, a vertically i dimensional form, that is, as a collection of tracks. Programs which support several independent patterns should be able to save and read information in format 2, a horizontally one dimensional course. Providing these minimum capabilities will ensure maximum interchangeability.

In a MIDI arrangement with a calculator and a SMPTE synchroniser which uses Song Pointer and Timing Clock, tempo maps (which depict the tempo throughout the rails, and may also include time signature information, so that the bar number may be derived) are generally created on the computer. To use them with the synchroniser, it is necessary to transfer them from the figurer. To make information technology like shooting fish in a barrel for the synchroniser to extract this data from a MIDI File, tempo information should always be stored in the kickoff MTrk chunk. For a format 0 file, the tempo will be scattered through the runway and the tempo map reader should ignore the intervening events; for a format 1 file, the tempo map must exist stored as the first track. It is polite to a tempo map reader to offer your user the power to make a format 0 file with just the tempo, unless you tin can use format i.

All MIDI Files should specify tempo and fourth dimension signature. If they don't, the fourth dimension signature is assumed to be 4/4, and the tempo 120 beats per minute. In format 0, these meta-events should occur at least at the beginning of the unmarried multi-channel track. In format 1, these meta-events should exist contained in the first rail. In format 2, each of the temporally independent patterns should comprise at to the lowest degree initial time signature and tempo data.

Format IDs to back up other structures may be defined in the future. A programme encountering an unknown format ID may still read other MTrk chunks information technology finds from the file, equally format 1 or two, if its user can make sense of them and arrange them into another structure if advisable. Also, more parameters may be added to the MThd chunk in the future: it is important to read and laurels the length, even if information technology is longer than 6.

2.3 - Rails Chunks

The track chunks (type MTrk) are where actual vocal data is stored. Each track chunk is simply a stream of MIDI events (and non-MIDI events), preceded by delta-time values. The format for Rails Chunks (described below) is exactly the same for all three formats (0, 1, and two: see "Header Chunk" above) of MIDI Files.

Here is the syntax of an MTrk clamper (the + means "one or more": at least one MTrk event must be nowadays):

<Track Chunk> = <chunk type><length><MTrk event>+

The syntax of an MTrk event is very simple:

<MTrk effect> = <delta-fourth dimension><event>

<delta-time> is stored as a variable-length quantity. It represents the amount of time before the following event. If the first event in a track occurs at the very first of a rails, or if two events occur simultaneously, a delta-time of zero is used. Delta-times are always present. (Not storing delta-times of 0 requires at to the lowest degree two bytes for any other value, and most delta-times aren't zero.) Delta-fourth dimension is in some fraction of a beat (or a second, for recording a track with SMPTE times), as specified in the header chunk.

<consequence> = <MIDI event> | <sysex event> | <meta-result>

<MIDI event> is any MIDI channel bulletin Run into Appendix 1 - MIDI Messages. Running condition is used: status bytes of MIDI channel messages may be omitted if the preceding upshot is a MIDI channel bulletin with the same status. The first event in each MTrk clamper must specify status. Delta-time is not considered an upshot itself: it is an integral part of the syntax for an MTrk event. Notice that running status occurs across delta-times.

<sysex event> is used to specify a MIDI organization sectional message, either as 1 unit or in packets, or as an "escape" to specify any arbitrary bytes to be transmitted. See Appendix 1 - MIDI Messages. A normal consummate system sectional message is stored in a MIDI File in this mode:

F0 <length> <bytes to be transmitted after F0>

The length is stored as a variable-length quantity. It specifies the number of bytes which follow it, non including the F0 or the length itself. For example, the transmitted message F0 43 12 00 07 F7 would exist stored in a MIDI File as F0 05 43 12 00 07 F7. It is required to include the F7 at the stop so that the reader of the MIDI File knows that information technology has read the entire message.

Some other grade of sysex event is provided which does non imply that an F0 should exist transmitted. This may be used as an "escape" to provide for the transmission of things which would not otherwise be legal, including system realtime messages, song pointer or select, MIDI Fourth dimension Code, etc. This uses the F7 code:

F7 <length> <all bytes to be transmitted>

Unfortunately, some synthesiser manufacturers specify that their system exclusive messages are to exist transmitted as little packets. Each parcel is simply part of an unabridged syntactical system exclusive bulletin, but the times they are transmitted are of import. Examples of this are the bytes sent in a CZ patch dump, or the FB-01's "system exclusive way" in which microtonal information tin can exist transmitted. The F0 and F7 sysex events may exist used together to break up syntactically complete organization exclusive messages into timed packets.

An F0 sysex event is used for the showtime bundle in a series -- it is a message in which the F0 should be transmitted. An F7 sysex upshot is used for the rest of the packets, which do not begin with F0. (Of course, the F7 is non considered part of the system exclusive message).

A syntactic system sectional message must always cease with an F7, even if the real-life device didn't send 1, so that y'all know when you've reached the end of an unabridged sysex message without looking ahead to the adjacent event in the MIDI File. If information technology's stored in one consummate F0 sysex event, the last byte must be an F7. At that place also must not be any transmittable MIDI events in between the packets of a multi-packet system exclusive bulletin. This principle is illustrated in the paragraph below.

Hither is a MIDI File of a multi-bundle organisation exclusive message: suppose the bytes F0 43 12 00 were to be sent, followed by a 200-tick delay, followed by the bytes 43 12 00 43 12 00, followed by a 100-tick filibuster, followed past the bytes 43 12 00 F7, this would be in the MIDI File:

F0 03 43 12 00
81 48 200-tick delta time
F7 06 43 12 00 43 12 00
64 100-tick delta time
F7 04 43 12 00 F7

When reading a MIDI File, and an F7 sysex event is encountered without a preceding F0 sysex event to start a multi-packet organisation sectional message sequence, it should exist presumed that the F7 event is being used as an "escape". In this case, information technology is not necessary that information technology end with an F7, unless it is desired that the F7 exist transmitted.

<meta-issue> specifies not-MIDI information useful to this format or to sequencers, with this syntax:

FF <type> <length> <bytes>

All meta-events begin with FF, then have an event type byte (which is e'er less than 128), and so have the length of the data stored as a variable-length quantity, and then the data itself. If there is no information, the length is 0. As with chunks, future meta-events may exist designed which may not exist known to existing programs, and so programs must properly ignore meta-events which they do not recognise, and indeed should expect to encounter them. Programs must never ignore the length of a meta-effect which they do not recognise, and they shouldn't be surprised if information technology's bigger than expected. If then, they must ignore everything by what they know virtually. However, they must non add anything of their own to the cease of the meta- outcome. Sysex events and meta events cancel any running status which was in effect. Running status does not utilise to and may not be used for these letters.

3 - Meta-Events

A few meta-events are defined herein. Information technology is non required for every program to support every meta-issue.

In the syntax descriptions for each of the meta-events a set of conventions is used to describe parameters of the events. The FF which begins each outcome, the type of each upshot, and the lengths of events which do non have a variable amount of data are given directly in hexadecimal. A notation such every bit dd or se, which consists of two lower-instance letters, mnemonically represents an eight-bit value. Four identical lower-case letters such equally wwww mnemonically refer to a 16-bit value, stored most-significant-byte beginning. Six identical lower-case letters such as tttttt refer to a 24-chip value, stored nearly-significant-byte first. The notation len refers to the length portion of the meta-event syntax, that is, a number, stored equally a variable- length quantity, which specifies how many bytes (possibly text) data were just specified by the length.

In general, meta-events in a track which occur at the same fourth dimension may occur in any order. If a copyright event is used, it should be placed as early equally possible in the file, so it will be noticed easily. Sequence Number and Sequence/Rail Name events, if present, must announced at time 0. An stop-of- rail event must occur as the concluding event in the track.

3.1 - Meta-Event Definitions

FF 00 02 Sequence Number
This optional event, which must occur at the beginning of a track, before whatsoever nonzero delta-times, and before any transmittable MIDI events, specifies the number of a sequence. In a format 2 MIDI File, it is used to identify each "design" so that a "song" sequence using the Cue bulletin can refer to the patterns. If the ID numbers are omitted, the sequences' locations in lodge in the file are used as defaults. In a format 0 or 1 MIDI File, which simply contain one sequence, this number should be contained in the kickoff (or merely) track. If transfer of several multitrack sequences is required, this must be washed as a group of format one files, each with a different sequence number.

FF 01 len text Text Event
Any amount of text describing anything. It is a good thought to put a text event correct at the beginning of a track, with the name of the track, a description of its intended orchestration, and any other information which the user wants to put there. Text events may also occur at other times in a runway, to exist used as lyrics, or descriptions of cue points. The text in this event should be printable ASCII characters for maximum interchange. Still, other graphic symbol codes using the high-order bit may be used for interchange of files between unlike programs on the same computer which supports an extended character prepare. Programs on a figurer which does not support non-ASCII characters should ignore those characters.

Meta-event types 01 through 0F are reserved for various types of text events, each of which meets the specification of text events (higher up) simply is used for a dissimilar purpose:

FF 02 len text Copyright Notice
Contains a copyright observe equally printable ASCII text. The find should incorporate the characters (C), the year of the copyright, and the possessor of the copyright. If several pieces of music are in the same MIDI File, all of the copyright notices should be placed together in this outcome and so that it volition be at the start of the file. This issue should exist the commencement result in the rail clamper, at time 0.

FF 03 len text Sequence/Runway Name
If in a format 0 track, or the first runway in a format 1 file, the proper noun of the sequence. Otherwise, the proper name of the track.

FF 04 len text Instrument Name
A description of the type of instrumentation to be used in that track. May be used with the MIDI Prefix meta-event to specify which MIDI channel the clarification applies to, or the channel may be specified equally text in the consequence itself.

FF 05 len text Lyric
A lyric to be sung. More often than not, each syllable will be a dissever lyric issue which begins at the event's time.

FF 06 len text Marker
Normally in a format 0 runway, or the start rails in a format 1 file. The name of that bespeak in the sequence, such as a rehearsal alphabetic character or section name ("Outset Verse", etc.)

FF 07 len text Cue Point
A description of something happening on a movie or video screen or stage at that point in the musical score ("Automobile crashes into house", "curtain opens", "she slaps his face", etc.)

FF 20 01 cc MIDI Channel Prefix
The MIDI channel (0-fifteen) independent in this event may be used to acquaintance a MIDI channel with all events which follow, including Arrangement exclusive and meta-events. This channel is "constructive" until the next normal MIDI event (which contains a channel) or the next MIDI Channel Prefix meta-event. If MIDI channels refer to "tracks", this message may exist put into a format 0 file, keeping their non-MIDI data associated with a track. This capability is likewise present in Yamaha's ESEQ file format.

FF 2F 00 Stop of Rails
This event is not optional. Information technology is included so that an exact ending point may be specified for the rails, so that an exact length is defined, which is necessary for tracks which are looped or concatenated.

FF 51 03 tttttt Set Tempo (in microseconds per MIDI quarter-notation)
This upshot indicates a tempo change. Another way of putting "microseconds per quarter-note" is "24ths of a microsecond per MIDI clock". Representing tempos as time per beat instead of trounce per fourth dimension allows absolutely exact long-term synchronisation with a time-based sync protocol such every bit SMPTE time code or MIDI time code. The amount of accuracy provided by this tempo resolution allows a iv-infinitesimal slice at 120 beats per minute to exist authentic within 500 usec at the cease of the slice. Ideally, these events should merely occur where MIDI clocks would be located -- this convention is intended to guarantee, or at to the lowest degree increase the likelihood, of compatibility with other synchronisation devices so that a time signature/tempo map stored in this format may hands be transferred to another device.

FF 54 05 hour mn se fr ff SMPTE Offset
This event, if present, designates the SMPTE fourth dimension at which the rail clamper is supposed to start. Information technology should be present at the beginning of the track, that is, before any nonzero delta-times, and earlier any transmittable MIDI events. the hour must exist encoded with the SMPTE format, just as it is in MIDI Time Code. In a format 1 file, the SMPTE Offset must be stored with the tempo map, and has no meaning in whatsoever of the other tracks. The ff field contains fractional frames, in 100ths of a frame, fifty-fifty in SMPTE-based tracks which specify a different frame subdivision for delta-times.

FF 58 04 nn dd cc bb Time Signature
The fourth dimension signature is expressed as four numbers. nn and dd stand for the numerator and denominator of the time signature equally it would be notated. The denominator is a negative power of two: 2 represents a quarter-note, 3 represents an eighth-annotation, etc. The cc parameter expresses the number of MIDI clocks in a metronome click. The bb parameter expresses the number of notated 32nd-notes in a MIDI quarter-note (24 MIDI clocks). This was added considering there are already multiple programs which permit a user to specify that what MIDI thinks of as a quarter-annotation (24 clocks) is to be notated every bit, or related to in terms of, something else.

Therefore, the complete upshot for 6/8 time, where the metronome clicks every three eighth-notes, merely there are 24 clocks per quarter-notation, 72 to the bar, would be (in hex):

FF 58 04 06 03 24 08

That is, six/viii time (8 is 2 to the 3rd power, so this is 06 03), 36 MIDI clocks per dotted-quarter (24 hex!), and eight notated 32nd-notes per quarter-note.

FF 59 02 sf mi Key Signature
sf = -seven: 7 flats
sf = -1: 1 apartment
sf = 0: primal of C
sf = i: one sharp
sf = vii: 7 sharps

mi = 0: major fundamental
mi = 1: pocket-size key

FF 7F len information Sequencer Specific Meta-Event
Special requirements for particular sequencers may apply this event type: the starting time byte or bytes of data is a manufacturer ID (these are ane byte, or if the showtime byte is 00, iii bytes). Every bit with MIDI System Exclusive, manufacturers who define something using this meta-issue should publish it then that others may be used by a sequencer which elects to use this as its simply file format; sequencers with their established feature-specific formats should probably stick to the standard features when using this format.

See Appendix two - Program Fragments and Case MIDI Files for an instance midi file.

Appendix one - MIDI Messages

A MIDI bulletin is made up of an eight-flake condition byte which is by and large followed by i or ii data bytes. There are a number of different types of MIDI letters. At the highest level, MIDI messages are classified as being either Channel Letters or System Messages. Aqueduct messages are those which apply to a specific Channel, and the Aqueduct number is included in the condition byte for these messages. Organisation letters are not Channel specific, and no Channel number is indicated in their status bytes.

Channel Letters may be further classified equally existence either Aqueduct Vocalism Messages, or Fashion Messages. Channel Vocalisation Letters carry musical performance information, and these messages comprise most of the traffic in a typical MIDI information stream. Channel Mode messages affect the mode a receiving instrument will reply to the Aqueduct Voice messages.

MIDI System Messages are classified as beingness System Mutual Messages, System Real Time Letters, or System Sectional Messages. System Mutual letters are intended for all receivers in the organisation. Organization Real Time messages are used for synchronisation between clock-based MIDI components. Organisation Exclusive messages include a Manufacturer's Identification (ID) code, and are used to transfer any number of data bytes in a format specified by the referenced manufacturer.

Appendix i.1 - Tabular array of Major MIDI Messages

Channel Vocalization Letters
nnnn is the MIDI channel no.
Data Byte(s)
1000nnnn 0kkkkkkk
Note Off event.
This message is sent when a note is released (concluded).
(kkkkkkk) is the key (note) number.
(vvvvvvv) is the velocity.
1001nnnn 0kkkkkkk
Note On event.
This message is sent when a annotation is depressed (start).
(kkkkkkk) is the key (note) number.
(vvvvvvv) is the velocity.
1010nnnn 0kkkkkkk
Polyphonic Key Pressure (Aftertouch).
This message is nearly often sent by pressing down on the key afterwards it "bottoms out".
(kkkkkkk) is the central (note) number.
(vvvvvvv) is the pressure value.
1011nnnn 0ccccccc
Command Change.
This message is sent when a controller value changes. Controllers include devices such every bit pedals and levers. Sure controller numbers are reserved for specific purposes. See Channel Mode Messages.
(ccccccc) is the controller number.
(vvvvvvv) is the new value.
1100nnnn 0ppppppp Programme Alter.
This bulletin sent when the patch number changes.
(ppppppp) is the new programme number.
1101nnnn 0vvvvvvv Channel Pressure (After-touch).
This message is nigh oftentimes sent by pressing down on the primal afterward information technology "bottoms out". This message is different from polyphonic after-touch on. Utilize this message to ship the single greatest pressure value (of all the electric current depressed keys).
(vvvvvvv) is the force per unit area value.
1110nnnn 0lllllll
Pitch Cycle Modify.
This message is sent to signal a modify in the pitch wheel. The pitch wheel is measured by a fourteen bit value. Center (no pitch alter) is 2000H. Sensitivity is a function of the transmitter.
(lllllll) are the least meaning seven bits.
(mmmmmmm) are the most pregnant 7 bits.
Channel Mode Letters (See as well Control Change, above)
1011nnnn 0ccccccc
Aqueduct Mode Messages.
This the same code equally the Control Modify (above), but implements Fashion command by using reserved controller numbers. The numbers are:
Local Control.
When Local Control is Off, all devices on a given channel will respond only to data received over MIDI. Played data, etc. volition be ignored. Local Command On restores the functions of the normal controllers.
c = 122, v = 0: Local Control Off
c = 122, five = 127: Local Control On

All Notes Off.
When an All Notes Off is received all oscillators will plough off.
c = 123, 5 = 0: All Notes Off
c = 124, v = 0: Omni Style Off
c = 125, v = 0: Omni Mode On
c = 126, v = M: Mono Mode On (Poly Off) where K is the number of channels (Omni Off) or 0 (Omni On)
c = 127, v = 0: Poly Fashion On (Mono Off) (Note: These iv messages too cause All Notes Off)

System Common Messages
11110000 0iiiiiii
Arrangement Sectional.
This message makes upwards for all that MIDI doesn't back up. (iiiiiii) is usually a seven-flake Manufacturer's I.D. lawmaking. If the synthesiser recognises the I.D. code as its own, information technology will listen to the rest of the message (ddddddd). Otherwise, the bulletin will be ignored. System Sectional is used to ship bulk dumps such equally patch parameters and other non-spec information. (Note: Real-Time letters ONLY may be interleaved with a Organization Exclusive.) This message likewise is used for extensions called Universal Sectional Messages.
11110001 Undefined.
11110010 0lllllll
Song Position Arrow.
This is an internal 14 fleck register that holds the number of MIDI beats (i beat= vi MIDI clocks) since the get-go of the song. fifty is the LSB, m the MSB.
11110011 0sssssss Vocal Select.
The Song Select specifies which sequence or song is to exist played.
11110100 Undefined.
11110101 Undefined.
11110110 Tune Request.
Upon receiving a Tune Request, all analog synthesisers should tune their oscillators.
11110111 Cease of Exclusive.
Used to terminate a System Sectional dump (see above).
System Real-Time Messages
11111000 Timing Clock.
Sent 24 times per quarter notation when synchronisation is required.
11111001 Undefined.
11111010 Starting time.
Outset the electric current sequence playing. (This message will be followed with Timing Clocks).
11111011 Continue.
Continue at the point the sequence was Stopped.
11111100 Stop.
Stop the current sequence.
11111101 Undefined.
11111110 Active Sensing.
Use of this message is optional. When initially sent, the receiver volition await to receive some other Active Sensing message each 300ms (max), or information technology will be presume that the connection has been terminated. At termination, the receiver volition turn off all voices and return to normal (non-active sensing) performance.
11111111 Reset.
Reset all receivers in the organisation to power-up status. This should be used sparingly, preferably under manual control. In item, it should not be sent on power-up.
In a MIDI file this is used as an escape to introduce <meta events>.

Appendix 1.2 - Tabular array of MIDI Controller Messages (Data Bytes)

The post-obit table lists the MIDI Controller messages in numerical (binary) lodge.

2d Byte Value Function 3rd Byte
Binary Hex Dec Value Employ
00000000 00 0 Bank Select 0-127 MSB
00000001 01 1 * Modulation wheel 0-127 MSB
00000010 02 2 Breath control 0-127 MSB
00000011 03 iii Undefined 0-127 MSB
00000100 04 four Pes controller 0-127 MSB
00000101 05 v Portamento fourth dimension 0-127 MSB
00000110 06 6 Data Entry 0-127 MSB
00000111 07 vii * Aqueduct Volume (formerly Main Volume) 0-127 MSB
00001000 08 eight Residual 0-127 MSB
00001001 09 9 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00001010 0A x * Pan 0-127 MSB
00001011 0B 11 * Expression Controller 0-127 MSB
00001100 0C 12 Effect command 1 0-127 MSB
00001101 0D 13 Effect control 2 0-127 MSB
00001110 0E xiv Undefined 0-127 MSB
00001111 0F xv Undefined 0-127 MSB
00010000 10 16 General Purpose Controller #1 0-127 MSB
00010001 eleven 17 General Purpose Controller #2 0-127 MSB
00010010 12 xviii Full general Purpose Controller #3 0-127 MSB
00010011 xiii 19 General Purpose Controller #4 0-127 MSB
00010100 14 20 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00010101 15 21 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00010110 16 22 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00010111 17 23 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00011000 18 24 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00011001 nineteen 25 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00011010 1A 26 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00011011 1B 27 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00011100 1C 28 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00011101 1D 29 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00011110 1E 30 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00011111 1F 31 Undefined 0-127 MSB
00100000 20 32 Bank Select 0-127 LSB
00100001 21 33 Modulation bike 0-127 LSB
00100010 22 34 Breath command 0-127 LSB
00100011 23 35 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00100100 24 36 Foot controller 0-127 LSB
00100101 25 37 Portamento fourth dimension 0-127 LSB
00100110 26 38 Data entry 0-127 LSB
00100111 27 39 Channel Book (formerly Principal Volume) 0-127 LSB
00101000 28 forty Remainder 0-127 LSB
00101001 29 41 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00101010 2A 42 Pan 0-127 LSB
00101011 2B 43 Expression Controller 0-127 LSB
00101100 2C 44 Effect control 1 0-127 LSB
00101101 2d 45 Effect command 2 0-127 LSB
00101110 2E 46 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00101111 2F 47 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00110000 thirty 48 General Purpose Controller #1 0-127 LSB
00110001 31 49 General Purpose Controller #2 0-127 LSB
00110010 32 50 General Purpose Controller #iii 0-127 LSB
00110011 33 51 General Purpose Controller #4 0-127 LSB
00110100 34 52 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00110101 35 53 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00110110 36 54 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00110111 37 55 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00111000 38 56 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00111001 39 57 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00111010 3A 58 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00111011 3B 59 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00111100 3C threescore Undefined 0-127 LSB
00111101 3D 61 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00111110 3E 62 Undefined 0-127 LSB
00111111 3F 63 Undefined 0-127 LSB
01000000 40 64 * Damper pedal on/off (Sustain) <63=off >64=on
01000001 41 65 Portamento on/off <63=off >64=on
01000010 42 66 Sustenuto on/off <63=off >64=on
01000011 43 67 Soft pedal on/off <63=off >64=on
01000100 44 68 Legato Footswitch <63=off >64=on
01000101 45 69 Hold 2 <63=off >64=on
01000110 46 70 Sound Controller 1 (Sound Variation) 0-127 LSB
01000111 47 71 Sound Controller 2 (Timbre) 0-127 LSB
01001000 48 72 Audio Controller three (Release Time) 0-127 LSB
01001001 49 73 Sound Controller 4 (Set on Time) 0-127 LSB
01001010 4A 74 Sound Controller v (Brightness) 0-127 LSB
01001011 4B 75 Sound Controller 6 0-127 LSB
01001100 4C 76 Audio Controller seven 0-127 LSB
01001101 4D 77 Sound Controller eight 0-127 LSB
01001110 4E 78 Sound Controller 9 0-127 LSB
01001111 4F 79 Sound Controller ten 0-127 LSB
01010000 l fourscore General Purpose Controller #v 0-127 LSB
01010001 51 81 General Purpose Controller #6 0-127 LSB
01010010 52 82 General Purpose Controller #7 0-127 LSB
01010011 53 83 General Purpose Controller #8 0-127 LSB
01010100 54 84 Portamento Control 0-127 Source Note
01010101 55 85 Undefined 0-127 LSB
01010110 56 86 Undefined 0-127 LSB
01010111 57 87 Undefined 0-127 LSB
01011000 58 88 Undefined 0-127 LSB
01011001 59 89 Undefined 0-127 LSB
01011010 5A xc Undefined 0-127 LSB
01011011 5B 91 Effects 1 Depth 0-127 LSB
01011100 5C 92 Furnishings 2 Depth 0-127 LSB
01011101 5D 93 Effects 3 Depth 0-127 LSB
01011110 5E 94 Furnishings four Depth 0-127 LSB
01011111 5F 95 Effects 5 Depth 0-127 LSB
01100000 60 96 Information entry +ane Northward/A
01100001 61 97 Information entry -1 N/A
01100010 62 98 Not-Registered Parameter Number LSB 0-127 LSB
01100011 63 99 Not-Registered Parameter Number MSB 0-127 MSB
01100100 64 100 * Registered Parameter Number LSB 0-127 LSB
01100101 65 101 * Registered Parameter Number MSB 0-127 MSB
01100110 66 102 Undefined ?
01100111 67 103 Undefined ?
01101000 68 104 Undefined ?
01101001 69 105 Undefined ?
01101010 6A 106 Undefined ?
01101011 6B 107 Undefined ?
01101100 6C 108 Undefined ?
01101101 6D 109 Undefined ?
01101110 6E 110 Undefined ?
01101111 6F 111 Undefined ?
01110000 70 112 Undefined ?
01110001 71 113 Undefined ?
01110010 72 114 Undefined ?
01110011 73 115 Undefined ?
01110100 74 116 Undefined ?
01110101 75 117 Undefined ?
01110110 76 118 Undefined ?
01110111 77 119 Undefined ?
01111000 78 120 All Sound Off 0
01111001 79 121 * Reset All Controllers 0
01111010 7A 122 Local control on/off 0=off 127=on
01111011 7B 123 * All notes off 0
01111100 7C 124 Omni mode off (+ all notes off) 0
01111101 7D 125 Omni mode on (+ all notes off) 0
01111110 7E 126 Poly mode on/off (+ all notes off) **
01111111 7F 127 Poly mode on (incl mono=off +all notes off) 0
* Equipment must respond in order to comply with General MIDI level 1.
** This equals the number of channels, or zero if the number of channels equals the number of voices in the receiver.

Appendix ane.3 - Table of MIDI Notation Numbers

This table lists all MIDI Notation Numbers past octave.

The absolute octave number designations are based on Middle C = C4, which is an arbitrary but widely used assignment.

Octave # Note Numbers
C C# D D# E F F# G Chiliad# A A# B
-i 0 i ii 3 4 5 6 vii 8 9 10 11
0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 xix 20 21 22 23
one 24 25 26 27 28 29 xxx 31 32 33 34 35
2 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
3 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
4 threescore 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
5 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 fourscore 81 82 83
six 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
7 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
8 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
9 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127

Appendix ane.4 - Full general MIDI Instrument Patch Map

  • The names of the instruments indicate what sort of sound volition exist heard when that instrument number (MIDI Program Alter or "PC#") is selected on the GM synthesizer.
  • These sounds are the aforementioned for all MIDI Channels except Channel 10, which has only percussion sounds and some sound "effects". (Come across Appendix 1.5 - General MIDI Percussion Cardinal Map)

GM Instrument Families

The General MIDI musical instrument sounds are grouped past families. In each family unit are eight specific instruments.

PC# Family unit PC# Family
1-8 Piano 65-72 Reed
ix-16 Chromatic Percussion 73-80 Pipe
17-24 Organ 81-88 Synth Lead
25-32 Guitar 89-96 Synth Pad
33-forty Bass 97-104 Synth Effects
41-48 Strings 105-112 Ethnic
49-56 Ensemble 113-120 Percussive
57-64 Brass 121-128 Audio Effects

GM Instrument Patch Map

Note: While GM does not define the bodily characteristics of whatever sounds, the names in parentheses after each of the synth leads, pads, and sound furnishings are, in particular, intended only as guides.

PC# Instrument PC# Instrument
one. Acoustic Thousand Piano 65. Soprano Sax
ii. Bright Acoustic Piano 66. Alto Sax
3. Electric Grand Pianoforte 67. Tenor Sax
4. Honky-tonk Piano 68. Baritone Sax
v. Electrical Piano i (Rhodes Piano) 69. Oboe
6. Electric Pianoforte 2 (Chorused Pianoforte) 70. English Horn
7. Harpsichord 71. Bassoon
8. Clavinet 72. Clarinet
9. Celesta 73. Piccolo
10. Glockenspiel 74. Flute
11. Music Box 75. Recorder
12. Vibraphone 76. Pan Flute
xiii. Marimba 77. Blown Bottle
14. Xylophone 78. Shakuhachi
15. Tubular Bells 79. Whistle
16. Dulcimer (Santur) fourscore. Ocarina
17. Drawbar Organ (Hammond) 81. Lead one (square wave)
18. Percussive Organ 82. Lead ii (sawtooth wave)
19. Rock Organ 83. Lead 3 (calliope)
20. Church Organ 84. Lead 4 (chiffer)
21. Reed Organ 85. Lead v (charang)
22. Piano accordion (French) 86. Lead 6 (phonation solo)
23. Harmonica 87. Atomic number 82 7 (fifths)
24. Tango Piano accordion (Band neon) 88. Lead eight (bass + lead)
25. Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 89. Pad 1 (new age Fantasia)
26. Acoustic Guitar (steel) 90. Pad two (warm)
27. Electrical Guitar (jazz) 91. Pad 3 (polysynth)
28. Electric Guitar (clean) 92. Pad 4 (choir space phonation)
29. Electric Guitar (muted) 93. Pad five (bowed drinking glass)
30. Overdriven Guitar 94. Pad 6 (metallic pro)
31. Distortion Guitar 95. Pad 7 (halo)
32. Guitar harmonics 96. Pad 8 (sweep)
33. Audio-visual Bass 97. FX 1 (pelting)
34. Electrical Bass (fingered) 98. FX 2 (soundtrack)
35. Electrical Bass (picked) 99. FX 3 (crystal)
36. Fretless Bass 100. FX iv (atmosphere)
37. Slap Bass 1 101. FX 5 (brightness)
38. Slap Bass 2 102. FX half-dozen (goblins)
39. Synth Bass one 103. FX 7 (echoes, drops)
40. Synth Bass ii 104. FX 8 (sci-fi, star theme)
41. Violin 105. Sitar
42. Viola 106. Banjo
43. Cello 107. Shamisen
44. Contrabass 108. Koto
45. Tremolo Strings 109. Kalimba
46. Pizzicato Strings 110. Purse pipe
47. Orchestral Harp 111. Fiddle
48. Timpani 112. Shanai
49. String Ensemble i (strings) 113. Tinkle Bell
50. String Ensemble 2 (slow strings) 114. Agogo
51. SynthStrings ane 115. Steel Drums
52. SynthStrings 2 116. Woodblock
53. Choir Aahs 117. Taiko Drum
54. Voice Oohs 118. Melodic Tom
55. Synth Voice 119. Synth Drum
56. Orchestra Hit 120. Reverse Cymbal
57. Trumpet 121. Guitar Fret Noise
58. Trombone 122. Breath Noise
59. Tuba 123. Seashore
60. Muted Trumpet 124. Bird Tweet
61. French Horn 125. Telephone Ring
62. Brass Section 126. Helicopter
63. SynthBrass 1 127. Adulation
64. SynthBrass 2 128. Gunshot

Appendix one.v - Full general MIDI Percussion Cardinal Map

On MIDI Channel 10, each MIDI Note number ("Key#") corresponds to a different drum audio, as shown beneath. GM-compatible instruments must have the sounds on the keys shown here. While many electric current instruments too have additional sounds above or below the range evidence hither, and may fifty-fifty accept boosted "kits" with variations of these sounds, only these sounds are supported by Full general MIDI.

Key# Note Drum Sound Primal# Note Pulsate Sound
35 B1 Audio-visual Bass Drum 59 B3 Ride Cymbal ii
36 C2 Bass Drum 1 threescore C4 Hullo Bongo
37 C#2 Side Stick 61 C#iv Low Bongo
38 D2 Audio-visual Snare 62 D4 Mute Hi Conga
39 D#2 Hand Clap 63 D#4 Open up Hi Conga
40 E2 Electric Snare 64 E4 Low Conga
41 F2 Low Flooring Tom 65 F4 Loftier Timbale
42 F#2 Closed Hi Hat 66 F#4 Depression Timbale
43 G2 High Floor Tom 67 G4 High Agogo
44 G#2 Pedal Hi-Lid 68 Grand#4 Depression Agogo
45 A2 Depression Tom 69 A4 Cabasa
46 A#2 Open How-do-you-do-Chapeau 70 A#4 Maracas
47 B2 Low-Mid Tom 71 B4 Short Whistle
48 C3 Hullo Mid Tom 72 C5 Long Whistle
49 C#three Crash Cymbal 1 73 C#5 Brusk Guiro
l D3 High Tom 74 D5 Long Guiro
51 D#3 Ride Cymbal 1 75 D#five Claves
52 E3 Chinese Cymbal 76 E5 Hi Woods Block
53 F3 Ride Bong 77 F5 Low Forest Block
54 F#iii Tambourine 78 F#v Mute Cuica
55 G3 Splash Cymbal 79 G5 Open Cuica
56 Thou#iii Cowbell 80 Yard#5 Mute Triangle
57 A3 Crash Cymbal two 81 A5 Open Triangle
58 A#3 Vibraslap

Appendix 2 - Program Fragments and Example MIDI Files

Here are some of the routines to read and write variable-length numbers in MIDI Files. These routines are in C, and employ getc and putc, which read and write unmarried eight-flake characters from/to the files infile and outfile.

register long value;
register long buffer;

buffer = value & 0x7f;
while((value >>= seven) > 0)
buffer <<= 8;
buffer |= 0x80;
buffer += (value &0x7f);

while (Truthful)
if(buffer & 0x80) buffer >>= viii;

doubleword ReadVarLen()
register doubleword value;
register byte c;

if((value = getc(infile)) & 0x80)
value &= 0x7f;
value = (value << 7) + ((c = getc(infile))) & 0x7f);
} while (c & 0x80);

As an example, MIDI Files for the post-obit extract are shown below. First, a format 0 file is shown, with all information intermingled; then, a format 1 file is shown with all data separated into four tracks: one for tempo and time signature, and three for the notes. A resolution of 96 "ticks" per quarter annotation is used. A time signature of 4/4 and a tempo of 120, though implied, are explicitly stated.
The contents of the MIDI stream represented by this case are cleaved down here:

Other Bytes
0 FF 58 04 04 02 24 08 iv bytes; 4/iv time; 24 MIDI clocks/click, 8 32nd notes/ 24 MIDI clocks (24 MIDI clocks = 1 crotchet = 1 beat)
0 FF 51 03 500000 three bytes: 500,000 usec/ quarter note = 120 beats/minute
0 C0 5 Ch.1 Program Modify v = GM Patch half dozen = Electrical Pianoforte two
0 C1 46 Ch.ii Program Change 46 = GM Patch 47 = Harp
0 C2 seventy Ch.3 Program Change 70 = GM Patch 71 = Bassoon
0 92 48 96 Ch.3 Note On C3, forte
0 92 sixty 96 Ch.iii Note On C4, forte
96 91 67 64 Ch.2 Note On G4, mezzo-forte
96 90 76 32 Note On E5, pianoforte
192 82 48 64 Ch.iii Notation Off C3, standard
0 82 lx 64 Ch.3 Notation Off C4, standard
0 81 67 64 Ch.2 Note Off G4, standard
0 80 76 64 Ch.1 Note Off E5, standard
0 FF 2F 00 Track End
The entire format 0 MIDI file contents in hex follow. Outset, the header chunk:
4D 54 68 64 MThd
00 00 00 06 chunk length
00 00 format 0
00 01 i track
00 60 96 per quarter-annotation
And then the rail clamper. Its header followed by the events (notice the running status is used in places):
4D 54 72 6B MTrk
00 00 00 3B chunk length (59)
Delta-Fourth dimension Event Comments
00 FF 58 04 04 02 18 08 time signature
00 FF 51 03 07 A1 twenty tempo
00 C0 05
00 C1 2E
00 C2 46
00 92 xxx sixty
00 3C 60 running status
60 91 43 40
60 90 4C twenty
81 40 82 thirty 40 two-byte delta-fourth dimension
00 3C twoscore running status
00 81 43 40
00 80 4C 40
00 FF 2F 00 end of track
A format ane representation of the file is slightly unlike. Its header chunk:
4D 54 68 64 MThd
00 00 00 06 chunk length
00 01 format 1
00 04 four tracks
00 sixty 96 per quarter note
First, the track chunk for the time signature/tempo track. Its header, followed by the events:
4D 54 72 6B MTrk
00 00 00 14 chunk length (xx)
Delta-Time Consequence Comments
00 FF 58 04 04 02 18 08 time signature
00 FF 51 03 07 A1 20 tempo
83 00 FF 2F 00 terminate of rails
Then, the runway chunk for the starting time music runway. The MIDI convention for note on/off running status is used in this example:
4D 54 72 6B MTrk
00 00 00 x clamper length (xvi)
Delta-Time Event Comments
00 C0 05
81 forty 90 4C 20
81 40 4C 00 Running condition: annotation on, vel=0
00 FF 2F 00
Then, the runway chunk for the second music track:
4D 54 72 6B MTrk
00 00 00 0F chunk length (15)
Delta-Time Event Comments
00 C1 2E
60 91 43 twoscore
82 20 43 00 running status
00 FF 2F 00 end of track
Then, the rail clamper for the tertiary music track:
4D 54 72 6B MTrk
00 00 00 fifteen chunk length (21)
Delta-Time Issue Comments
00 C2 46
00 92 30 60
00 3C 60 running status
83 00 30 00 two-byte delta-time, running status
00 3C 00 running status
00 FF 2F 00 end of track

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